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Exam Reference Language Syntax
// This is a layout of the syntax for the OCR Exam Reference Language // ERL has a lot of differences to other languages, such as Python // This document explains all of these differences so you can write ERL // This document can also be edited, so write your own algorithms to practice // ARITHMETIC (2 + 3) * 7 / 4 // Normal arithmetic works as expected 3 ^ 7 // ERL uses ^ for powers, instead of ** 27 MOD 5 // ERL uses MOD and DIV for modulus and remainder divison 16 DIV 7 // This is instead of % and // in python // VARIABLES x = 5 // variables do not need a keyword to be defined myVariable = "OCR" // they can be of any type const pi = 3.1415 // use the const keyword to create constants that cannot be modified // BASIC FUNCTIONS print("hello world") // printing is the same as python name = input("Enter your name: ") // inputs also work similarly // comments can always be made with two slashes // prints with values seperated by commas will be printed with spaces between them // BOOLEANS AND COMPARISONS boolean = True // booleans require capitalisation result = NOT ( True AND False ) OR True // the boolean operators are in full capitals check = value >= 7 AND name != "Jeff" // the boolean operators are as expected // the full list is >, >=, <, <=, == and != // IF STATEMENTS if answer == "Yes" then // then is required after each condition print("Correct") // this is instead of a colon, such as in python endif // if statements must be closed with endif if percentage >= 90 then // multiple branches can be added print("A*") elseif percentage >= 75 then // elseif is the keyword for adding additional cases print("A") elseif percentage >= 60 then // then is also needed after each elseif condition print("B") else // else is used for a default case print("C") // it does not require then endif // endif is always used // LOOPS answer = input("What is 3 * 7?") while answer != "21" // while loops can be created with the while keyword print("Incorrect, try again") // they are followed by a condition, with no colon afterwards answer = input("What is 3 * 7?") // they repeat while the condition is true endwhile // they must end with the endwhile keyword do // do until loops are created with the do keyword password = input("Enter password: ") // they close with until followed by a condition until password == "Abc123" // they repeat when the condition is false, and stop when it is true for i = 0 to 5 // counter controlled loops are created with for print(i) // they define a variable, with an initial value and final value next i // they are always closed with next, followed by the variable fileName // when starting to run, for loops set the variable to the starting value // it will increment on each iteration, up until and including the final value // this means they are inclusive, wheras languages like python do not include the last value // for example, the loop above would print 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for countdown = 10 to 1 step -1 // for loops can also be given a step print(countdown) // this is a positive or negative integer following the final value next countdown // in this case, the loop prints the numbers from 10 to 1 backwards // FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES procedure checkID(age) // procedures are subroutines that do not return a value if age >= 18 then // they have an optional list of parameters that is defined on the first line print("Allowed") // the code inside them can use these parameters else // any variables created will be removed after the procedure is over print("Denied") endif endprocedure // procedures are closed with endprocedure checkID(21) // they can be called with their name, followed by brackets with the parameters function square(number) // functions return values return number^2 // they stop running when a return statement is run endfunction // they are closed with endfunction result = square(7) // the results of a function can be used by being stored in variables global complete = False // global variables can be changed by using the global keyword // this only works inside a function // if not used, a local variable with the same name will be made, and the original will be unchanged // global variables can still be acessed without the keyword, so long as a local with the same name does not exist // TYPE CASTING str(7.3) // to a string from any type int("27") // to an integer( int(4.3) // when used on a float, it will be truncated int(True) // when used on a boolean, 1 or 0 will be returned float("7.3") // to a float real(4) // the real keyword can also be used bool("True") // "True" or "False" will return their values bool(7) // returns False if 0, otherwise returns True // ARRAYS array emptyArray[5] // creates an empty array with 5 items // arrays are always 0 indexed, so this will have indexes 0 to 4 array colours = ["red", "blue", "yellow", "green"] // they can also be made with items // the type of every item in array must be the same // this means that the array must be just strings, or just integers and so on colours[2] = "pink" // values can be changed as expected print( colours[0] ) // as well as being acessed // there is no way to append or remove items from arrays // this is because they are a constant size, so always stay the same length // arrays can also have multiple dimensions array chessBoard[8, 8] // this makes an empty 8 by 8 array array names = [ ["Joe", "Bloggs"], ["Steve", "Jobs"] ] // this also makes a 2D array names[0, 1] = "Jones" // the items are acessed with commas seperating each index // this can continue for any number of dimensions // the length of all arrays inside an array must always be the same length // SWITCH STATEMENTS username = input("=> ") // switch statements are created with a value to compare from switch username: // the switch statement value is followed by a colon case "admin": // each case keyword is followed by a value and a colon print("Administrator") // the code inside will only be run if they match case "user1": // multiple cases can be created print("User 1") default: // default cases can be added at the end, the equivalent of else print("Unauthorised") // these also need a colon endswitch // a switch is closed by endswitch // BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS ASC("A") // returns the ascii value of a letter, in this case 65 CHR(97) // returns the character associated with an ascii value, in this case 'a' diceRoll = random(1, 6) // will return a random integer from 1 to 6 inclusibe value = random(-3.0, 2.0) // floats as arguments will return floats // STRING METHODS myString = "Hello World!" // this will be the example string myString.length // returns the length, in this case 12 // length can also be used on arrays in this Interpreter, however it is not explicitly stated in OCR's ERL myString.substring(3, 6) // this will return "lo Wor" // the first argument for substring is the index of the first character in the substring // the second argument will be the length of the substring // this is different from many languages, which often accept the start and end index, not length myString.substring(n, 1) // this will return the character at position n myString.left(4) // this will give "Hell", the 4 left characters myString.right(n) // like left(), right() will return the n last characters in a string name = firstname + " " = surname // strings can be concatenated with + print("The answer is:" + answer) // when used inside prints, they will not be seperated by spaces, unlike commas myString.upper // returns "HELLO WORLD!" myString.lower // returns "hello world!" // note there are no brackets () after upper or lower, unlike in python // FILE HANDLING file = open( "myFile.txt" ) // use the open keyword to open a file file.readLine() // returns the next line in the file file.endOfFile() // returns a boolean based on if the whole file has been read while NOT file.endOfFile() // these can be used together, as shown print( file.readLine() ) // this loop will output the entire contents of a file endwhile file.close() // files should be closed after being used newFile( "results.csv" ) // files can be made using newFile() results = open( "results.csv" ) // these still must be opened after creation results.writeLine( "55%" ) // values can be written to a file // this will always be written at the end of the file results.writeLine( "\n78%") // \n is required to write on a new line // This is now all of the features of the ERL // Return to the Interpreter to try yourself!